Archive for February, 2010

Not that Innocent

Over the weekend, my grandmother was innocently trying to look up Alec Baldwin movies online. At least I assume it was innocent.

The details are a little fuzzy, as it’s difficult for my grandmother to even get on the Internet much less explain to her granddaughter what search techniques she used to find these ‘movies’.

Nonetheless, she somehow came up with a list of movies starring Alec Baldwin and began to navigate through the list to try and find some she may like to add to the Netflix queue. Apparently, the first few ‘movies’ on the list were of an explicit nature.

My grandmother called me on Saturday to give me all the lurid details. She told me she didn’t know exactly what had happened (shocking) but that somehow the list of movies included links to sites that showed Alec in various states of undress and participating in some risky behaviors (to say the least). My mom tried explaining how this all happened but she couldn’t stop laughing.

It took her about 5 years but it seems my grandmother has finally stumbled upon the world of Internet porn. I’m sort of scared to find out what she will discover next….

A New Valentine's Day Greeting

Yesterday I ate lunch with my mom and grandmother to celebrate Valentine’s Day. Maybe ‘celebrate’ isn’t the best choice of word…..

My grandmother has a funny, in fact hilarious, little trick she plays on my mother. She will look into her purse and tell my mom she has something to give her. Then she raises up her hand and flips my mom the bird.

During yesterday’s Valentine’s Day ‘celebration’ my grandmother decided that the new symbol for the holiday should be, you guessed it, the middle finger. Sporadically throughout the meal she kept flipping us off while simultaneously saying “Happy Valentine’s Day!”

I can just see the greeting card version now.
